Friday, February 29, 2008

Ron Gardenhire <3 Pitchers and Catchers

It's no secret that Ron Gardenhire prefers to carry 12 pitchers on his 25-man roster, as well as 3 able catchers in just case Mike Redmond is injured during one of his starts after Joe Mauer has been already used as a pinch-hitter, an event so improbable that it is likely to cost the Minnesota Twins about one game every 20 or so years by my own back-of-the-envelope calculations. Obviously, this leaves a pretty thin bench given that backup catchers usually do not make the best pinch hitters or defensive replacements for positions other than catcher.

According to this article in the Pioneer Press, Mike Lamb will be able to serve as the third string catcher as well as the first string 3B, allowing the Twins an extra bench spot for a qualified major leaguer such as whoever comes in 2nd in the CF sweepstakes, fourth outfielder and possible fourth string catcher Craig Monroe (also a senior citizen if I am not mistaken), scrappy piranha Nick Punto, a poor man's David Eckstein (David Eckstein is in turn a rich man's replacement level AAA shortstop) or Brian Buscher , who maybe could fill in for catching duties if Mauer pinch hits, Redmond gets hurt, Lamb is sick with the Bubonic Plague, Craig Monroe is in CF filling in for an injured Carlos Gomez and Nick Punto is at 3rd filling in for Lamb and Jason Pridie is in right because Michael Cuddyer is not traveling with the team so that he can be with his wife when she gives birth to their first child. Other potential candidates for those bench spots:

Matt Lecroy, a fat fifth (at best) string catcher whose major league career was ruined by the fact that he has gout and 2/3 of the pitchers in MLB are not left-handed. Of course, a fat guy with gout really seems like Billy Beane's type so maybe he sticks with the A's.

Denard Span, who is currently facing the prospect of not even being the starting CF at AAA. If he knows what's best for him he'll learn to catch or become a weak-hitting middle infielder (he's halfway there, as he is already a particularly weak hitter).

Jose Morales, because his actual position is catcher.

Alexi Casilla, a middle infielder who, given his inexperience, will probably hit weakly enough to be given a shot at the leadoff spot provided he plays adequate defense.

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